
Understanding Optimal Cannabis Dosing | Ayurvedic Medicines -VEDI

While Cannabis is trending rapidly, there are a lot of lesser known facts in terms of its potency, dosage, and therapeutic use. In the field of medicine, the right dosage makes all the difference. Dosage is the vital factor that can help reap maximum benefits with minimal side effects of Cannabis. Every company who is

Ayurvedic Perspective on Caffeine and Alternatives | Ayurvedic Medicines - VEDI

Worldwide a considerable populace is addicted to caffeine and caffeinated beverages, such as tea, coffee, chocolate and energy drinks. So what does Ayurveda the 5000-year-old ancient medical science say about our beloved caffeine based beverages? Is it good for our health? We try to explore these facts in this blog and

Everything you want to know about Ayurveda Part 3

In the previous blog, everything you want to know about Ayurveda Part 2, we talked about the characteristics of each Dosha body type (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). After reading the article, you would have got some idea about what characteristics you have, and your Dosha type.

5 Reasons to Switch to Castile Soap for your Child’s Skin

Taking care of your young one’s health and nutrition is important. However, skincare usually gets increasingly ignored as the baby grows from infant to toddler and then goes off to school. Your child’s skin needs as much attention as what goes on the skin, finds a way into the body.

Everything You Want to Know about Ayurveda – Part 4

We learnt about Dosha imbalance in ‘Everything You Want to Know Part-3\'. However, disease diagnosis in Ayurveda is more than that Dosha imbalance. In Ayurveda, Diagnosis is based on very logical and scientific methodology. Many natural ayurvedic medicines are available which can be prescribed by an ayurvedic doctor.

Neem – Detoxify Body and Boost Immunity

Nim, Kadulimb, Veppillai, Vepu, many names for one wonder tree-Neem. This plant has also been given many names in Sanskrit. Each one highlighting the many qualities of the tree. One of the names is Arista which means perfect, complete and imperishable. Another name for the tree is NimbatiSyasthyamdatiwhich means the tr

Jatiphaladi Churna - Natural Remedy for Cough and Respiratory Disorder

Jatiphaladi churna is a cannabis-infused classical Ayurvedic formulation with nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) as the prime ingredient. This churna offers sedative, antispasmodic and astringent properties and act as a powerful internal cleanser.