Hemp is a plant. It is a plant species similar to cannabis. But unlike cannabis, hemp has very low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), less than 0.3%. US It is legal to sell cannabis and cannabis products in the U.S. The flowers, leaves, seeds, seed oil and protein of hemp are used as food and/or medicine. Hemp is used for constipation, high cholesterol, eczema (atopic dermatitis), arthritis, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. Hemp is used to make textiles, cosmetics, rope, printer ink, wood preservatives, detergents, soaps and mild oils. Don't confuse hemp with Canadian hemp, cannabis cultivar, hemp, or cannabidiol (CBD). How does this work? Hemp seeds contain fat, protein and other chemicals. The fat in hemp seeds may help reduce swelling (inflammation). Certain chemicals in hemp seeds help promote bowel movements and lower blood pressure. Hemp oil may refer to a full-spectrum oil from the Cannabis sativa plant or hemp seed oi...