
Showing posts from August, 2021

What is CBD? How does CBD work?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. It belongs to the class of chemical compounds called cannabinoids. It is the cannabinoids that are responsible for the medicinal, therapeutic and recreational effects of the cannabis plant. The cannabis plant contains a large number of cannabinoids. However, THC and CBD are the most important and popular ones. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the chemical compound responsible for the feeling of high on smoking marijuana. Marijuana is one of several species of cannabis. Since it has high THC content, it is mainly used to get high. Different species of cannabis contain different cannabinoids, each with its own dedicated function. For example, another species of cannabis, hemp has a higher concentration of CBD which makes it more of a therapeutic plant than a recreational plant. CBD is a non-psychotropic cannabinoid. That means it doesn't elevate you. In fact, research suggests that it may even be a...

Can You Legalize or Prohibition cannabis in India?

Cannabinoids, or cannabis, are a family of naturally occurring chemicals found in plants, including hemp plants. Cannabinoids are known to have numerous medical benefits, including the ability to relieve pain and help treat chronic conditions. For this reason, it is being used by millions of people around the world. There are three major types of cannabis: hemp seed , marijuana, and cannabis resin. Cannabinoid in India was first recognized as far back as 2021 BCE. By that time, common culinary terms for cannabis preparations were bergamot, charas, and ganja. From ancient Egyptian and Roman times, cannabidiol was also recognized. In Indian culture, common culinary terms for cannabis preparations are charas, spam, ganja and shisha, which are derived from the word "sha", which means salt. Lord Shiva is the chief deity in the Hindu tradition. He is often pictured holding a cannabis plant in his hand or riding a chariot. Images of Lord Shiva surrounded by cannabis have been use...

Can CBDA Oil and MDMA Make a Powerful Team to Cure Cancer?

  Have you ever asked yourself what would happen if you could buy hemp medicines in India ? In this day of over-saturated pharmaceutical market, it is no surprise that many people are looking for alternative ways to treat their ailments. One such alternate treatment is the use of Indian herbal medicine, which is available in the form of cbd oil or hemp seed oil. These days, most people do not have access to the essential oils and herbal medicine that are grown in many parts of the world including India. For this reason, you may have never considered buying Indian hemp seed or cbd oil, until now. You may have heard of the incredible results garnered by people who have used Indian hemp medicines and you may also be aware of their long standing popularity across the world. You must have also heard of the recent news about a company in India that is on the verge of taking hemp testing to a whole new level. The news was on the Business Times website and was reported on by CNN as well....

An Effective Way of Consuming Cannabis Oil

If you desire an extremely safe and efficient manner for the therapeutic effects of cannabis, try Cannabis Oil Capsules . These are completely capsule products, which are filled with a standardized dose of THC. What you need to do in order to take them is simply take them with some warm water and let time for the effects to begin. The THC has been scientifically proven to effectively relieve the painful symptoms related to the debilitating nausea and discomforts that characterize long-term cannabis use. There are many different brands and types of cannabis oil capsules available in the marketplace. Before purchasing a capsule, it is important to understand what type of capsule your body prefers. Some people are sensitive to the additives contained in some brands whereas others may be very tolerant. Understanding which type of capsule your body prefers will help you make a more educated choice. Some cannabis oil capsules contain two key ingredients which are CBD and THC. The two co...

Cannabis for Asthma Patients - Is it really beneficial?

Asthma is a chronic lung disease affecting every 6 per 1000 individuals and occurs when the airways in the chest get narrower. There is no cure for Asthma, so ayurvedic treatment involves managing the symptoms and preventing complications.

Endocannabinoid System and Emotions

Humans as emotional beings go through various emotions of joy, happiness, stress, excitement and many more. We always associate emotions as a psychological thing. But, do you know that the emotions we feel are a complex play of the endocannabinoid system as well as hormones? This blog is an attempt to detail more about

Ayurvedic Formulas to Fuel your Digestive Fire

Using ayurvedic products, the digestive system can be made more healthy. It drives all normal and balanced experience and is a sensitive to events.If life’s problems, emotional or physical, are borne by one then that is a sign of good health as well as digestion.

Lavan Bhaskar Churna for Gut Health

The indicators of good gut health are good bowel condition, great digestion, and an excellent appetite to sustain all your binges. Ayurvedic products and definitely improve gut health.

Stop Motion Sickness and Enjoy the journey with Eladi Churna

You or someone around you must have experienced motion sickness i.e. uneasiness caused during travel by car, train, aeroplanes and more so, in ships and boats. It can ruin your experience and create a lot of anxiety before/ during every travel. Fortunately, there are a few natural ayurvedic medicines that can help.

Medicinal Cannabis - Facts and Benefits

Studies and research have shown that Medicinal Cannabis and ayurvedic products have a lot of potential in treatment of various disorders and chronic diseases including cancer, nausea, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, depression and pain management without exerting harmful side effects.

6 Ayurvedic Tips for Diabetes Management

With the increase rate of diabetes around the world, we at Vedi Herbals advise all of you to revert to the ancient science of Ayurveda which presents the perfect tips and tricks for Diabetes Management through the use of ayurvedic medicines and natural plants. Read more: Cannabis oil in India

3 Ayurvedic remedies to strengthen and improve mental health

As defined in our ancient scriptures, a person in good health consists of a balance between various elements – physical & psychological elements, of energies produced in the body combined with proper elimination of wastes from it. A happy soul or consciousness resides within a happy mind, and ayurveda can help.

Is cannabis Medicine Available in India?

Yes, cannabis medicine is available in India! And it’s perfectly safe. Safer than paracetamol If you do not know about the phenomenal rise of cannabis as a medicine, either you have been out of the news or you have not followed a legitimate cannabis page. Read more: Cannabis oil

Guide to Cannabis Oil: What, Why and How

    What is Cannabis oil?   Cannabis in India has a long history of being leveraged primarily for medical and recreational purposes. Cannabis oil, also known as Hemp oil, is derived from the leaves of cannabis plants. The two main active substances in cannabis plants are CBD or Cannabidiol and THC or Tetrahydrocannabin

Pitta Diet: A Beginner’s Guide

“Pittam sasneha tikshnoshnam laghu visram, saram dravam” Ashtanga Hridayam: Sutrasthana I: 11 This ancient Ayurvedic text describes the qualities of Pitta as oily, sharp, hot, light, fleshy-smelling, spreading, and liquid. Pitta dosha is the Ayurvedic mind-body type associated with “fire” and “water”. It governs our me

Everything You Need to Know about Ayurveda (Part -1)

The word Ayurveda can be split into two Sanskrit terms, ‘Ayur’ meaning life and ‘Veda’ meaning the science or knowledge. Ayurveda believes in exploring the natural ways and ayurvedic medicines to improve the overall wellness of the body and consecutively the mind. Vedi herbals offers only the best ayurvedic products.

Triphala Churna: The Powerhouse Herbal Formula for Holistic Health

  Triphala Churna is one of the most potent medications in Ayurveda and is widely recommended to treat multiple ailments. It won’t be an exaggeration to call it a Panacea or an antidote as it acts and corrects numerous body functions. It is one medicine that can address many diseases. From curing digestion to regulatin

Pitta Diet: A Beginner’s Guide

“Pittam sasneha tikshnoshnam laghu visram, saram dravam” Ashtanga Hridayam: Sutrasthana I: 11 This ancient Ayurvedic text describes the qualities of Pitta as oily, sharp, hot, light, fleshy-smelling, spreading, and liquid. Pitta dosha is the Ayurvedic mind-body type associated with “fire” and “water”. It governs our me

20 Daily Practices from Ancient India to Prevent Lifestyle Diseases

by Nidhi Chaitanya Introduction:  The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that 80% of the emerging world’s population relies on traditional medicine for therapy. There is a growing awareness about healthy & natural lifestyle practices as effective tools for disease prevention and management. Plenty of these li

7 Wellness Handles You Must Follow on Instagram

7 Wellness Handles You Must Follow on Instagram by Nyra Goodhart Introduction:  In the last one year, since the onset of the Covid19 pandemic, lockdowns, movement restrictions, social distancing norms, indoor living, isolation, and fear of infection, have together contributed to a historical rise in social media usage

What is Cannabis Medicines?

What is cannabis medicines ? This can be a question that people have been asking since the beginning of time. The reason for this is that the healing properties of cannabis have been proven over centuries. In modern times, scientists have been developing pharmaceutical drugs based on the healing properties found in cannabis. What is cannabis medicines? In simple terms, it is a type of medication that contains various active ingredients from the cannabis plant. This includes delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, which is the main active ingredient found in cannabis. Medical cannabis, or medicinal marijuana, is cannabis and various other cannabinoids which are usually prescribed to patients by doctors for their various ailments. Examples of these include Glaucoma (the leading cause of blindness), seizures, and even the ability to control blood sugar level during diabetes. What are the advantages of taking cannabis medicines? Apart from being able to control blood sugar levels and treat...

All You Want to Know About Hemp Seeds Online India

A few clicks on your computer can now get you your desired favorite hemp seeds shipped to your doorstep India. What are Hemp seeds ? Hemp seeds, also known as hemp hearts, are the round, flat, nutty-colored seeds of hemp, a composite variety of cannabis. These seeds can only be hulled, ground, and then, hulled again to make hemp soap, hemp seed oil , hemp flour, hemp protein powder besides a host of other healthy and delicious products.   What's so great about the hemp seeds online India? The seeds are extremely healthy. They are very high in anti-oxidants, fiber and protein, which makes them an excellent source of fiber and proteins for diets. They are also rich in Omega essential fatty acids, which will be essential for maintaining good health. Also they are rich sources of important nutrients like iron, copper, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, thiamin, folate, and fiber. Consuming them is an excellent way to boost your immune system and give you a heal...

Different Types of Cannabis Capsules

  You want a dependable source of CBD (or THC) for your cannabis supplements. Some products that contain only THC are not good for you, while others are not legal in many locations. This includes concentrates, tinctures, or even dried flowers. concentrates such as RSO, shatter, hash, and others can easily be dissolved into coconut oil. In order to make your own cannabis capsules , you will need buds, buds, strainers, and oil. These can also be purchased and taken along with food and water. The less expensive product is the buds since they contain the most potent and concentrated amounts of cannabidiol. Strainers on the other hand are inexpensive. It is good to have stemmed from white, California, and Russian genetics since these contain less potency than Thai and Chinese strains. To make your own cannabis capsules, you will need stems, flowers, buds or trim, a glass jar or another container, sugar, vinegar, baking soda, and some water. Put all these ingredients inside the glass...

10 herbs to include in your Ayurvedic home-Kit

10 herbs to include in your Ayurvedic home-Kit by Nyra Goodhart Introduction:  Ayurveda is the ancient science of herbology native to India. Evolved over thousands of years, Ayurveda consists of about 600 herbal formulae and over 260 individual plant remedies. Ayurvedic herbal medicines are often prescribed in combinat

32 Miraculous Benefits of ‘Ashwagandha’

Ashwagandha is also known as Indian ginseng, Indian winter cherry and poison gooseberry. Some of its other Sanskrit names are Ashvakandika, Asgandh, Gandhapatri, and Palashaparni. This natural ayurvedic plant has countless health benefits. We will explore those benefits of ayurvedic plants and herbs in this article.

Managing Nausea and Vomiting with Medical Cannabis: Herbal Cancer Medicine In India

Ayurveda can help you feel less nauseous when you are feeling unwell. The word Ayurveda can be split into two terms, ‘Ayur’ and ‘Veda’ meaning the science of life and knowledge. Ayurvedic medicines can help improve your health.

Everything You Need to know about Ayurveda – Part 5

By now you know that Ayurveda is a native traditional medical system that has gained popularity worldwide mainly due to its holistic approach to health and focus on natural living. Ayurveda focuses on following self-discipline, modest living, a unique set of principles and guidelines on diet and exercise.

No Make Up Look - Ayurveda Tips for Perfect Skin

Our rich tradition of Ayurveda believes that inner and outer beauty are interrelated. To get that perfect skin, the dhatus or body tissues must be nurtured. Proper diet is necessary for healthy tissues. You also need to nurture your body to maintain glowing, healthy and supple skin with natural and ayurvedic products.

Best Way to Take Triphala for Constipation

Clinically, constipation is attributed to reasons such as medications, problems with the muscles in the digestive system, medical conditions. Most people who suffer from constipation in urban India, the cause can be assigned to lifestyle and food habit. With ayurveda, this condition can be treated effectively.

Difficulty Sleeping? Try these Ayurvedic Tips

Ayurveda believes that wellness is dependent on three pillars, diet (Ahara), sleep (Nidra) and balanced sex life (Brahmacharya). These pillars hold the key of life and hold the body together. Sleep is one pillar amongst the trio that restores our energy and revitalizes our body for the next day.

The History Of The Introduction Of Cannabis To The Medical World

It is a known fact that there are many countries all around the world where the introduction of cannabis as a legalized substance has been rejected by society many times. Even in some of the legal ones like USA, the government had a difficult time to push through with such an act. This is despite the fact that many of the studies that have been done indicate that cannabis does have some positive effects on health. Also many people from these countries resort to the drug as a form of recreational activity. In other words they use it as an escape or a quick fix to the stresses of everyday life. One reason why governments have rejected the introduction of cannabis into their societies is because of the strong lobbies that they have. These groups claim that cannabis is not addictive and is a harmless plant. They also point out that there are no medical trials that have been conducted to prove that the cannabis medicines help anything beyond the relief of pain. There is no conclusive a...

Health Benefits of CBD Oil - What You Should Know About This Oil

Cannabidiol or CBD is the lesser-known but most potent of all the known phytocannabinoids. It was first discovered by the ancient Indians in the Andes mountains, who used it as a medicinal treatment for muscle pain and spasticity. Recent studies by scientists in India have shown CBD has many other health benefits including treating nausea, chemotherapy side effects, impotence, Alzheimer's disease, and even slowing down the progression of cancer. Cannabidiol also called CBD oil or THC is the main ingredient found in marijuana or cannabis. It is by far the most popular medicinal drug in the United States and is the one most commonly recommended for medical use by doctors. However, it has some serious side effects including psychosis and memory loss. In fact, one of the main reasons why CBD is not as popular as THC is because it has fewer side effects. But more recently it has been discovered that it has powerful, positive medicinal benefits. One of the major benefits of CBD oil ...

Hash Oil in India

Hash Oil is the oil produced from hashish plants, which contains a high level of THC (the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis) that makes it much more potent than other buds. It is also easier to ingest, and its effects can last up to 30 minutes. Because Hash Oil can be smoked, it has become a popular recreational drug. In fact, Hash Oil is often used as a cheap and legal alternative to smoking marijuana. Hashish, also known as "Heights," is a part of cannabis. It contains the highest amount of THC compared to other parts of the plant. As a result, hashish oil is much more powerful than bud. In addition to being easily ingested, it is also quite easy to burn in a cigarette. While in Delhi, tourists can sample some hash oil by visiting Bhagwan Mahavir's ashram at Rishikesh, where he lectures about health, life, and spirituality. The famous Hash House, where the sessions are held, is located near Rishikesh. Tourists who want to try Hash Oil in India can visit Bha...

Yoga Poses for Seniors

Age is just a number when you practice yoga everyday. On a chart of comparison, there are more seniors practicing Yoga than any other age group, to promote healthy longevity. The risk of diseases requiring medical attention as well as muscles and joints problems increases with age. Seniors suffer emotionally and psycho

Is cannabis Oil A Safer Alternative To Prescription Medications?

Many people are under the impression that  cannabis   and cancer have a connection. As one of nature’s beautiful and useful herbs, many believe it is a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of research that needs to be done in this area. Still, there are several things that can be said about the relationship between cannabis use and cancer. What we do know is that there are some strong potential benefits of this popular herb for those who use it to treat cancer with a herbal supplement. First,   let’s get to the basics. Cancer is not just one of the most deadly diseases in the world today, it is also one of the most challenging to treat because it is so difficult to detect. Cancer can be identified by doing a variety of tests such as blood tests, CAT scans, mammography, or prostate exams. However, even when a cancerous tumor is found early, it can still be very difficult to remove or kill. This is why many turn to herbal remedies...